Saturday, June 9, 2007

Blogging on

I haven''t posted here in a while mainly because of the effort I'm putting into the net business journal blog. Still not sure about the themes and other aesthetic concerns, as well as finding my voice. Got a couple of peeks from some heavyweights...Yaro, Wendy Piersall and a guy named Armen whose site I really like (can't remember the name of it...oh that's it).

I can definitely see how this will take a while to get up to money making speed...but I do think it'll be worth something eventually, especially as a journal contributed to by others which is what I'm really after, I believe. It's a bit of an evolution from the original concept but there's just no way to succeed as a blog about blogging at my present level of understanding of this medium.

The key will be really deliberately using that site to track the Treasure Ark and the other blog...which I'm being careful about starting just yet so as to get it off to a good start. And of course having others contribute their experiences with their businesses too. Leaning in the direction of either Culture Travel or Tennis (both?..maybe but domains are not easy to find) keeping with the always stated instruction from the experts of blogging with passion or forget it.

And then there's Cafe Angielski...I know there's something there but can't quite put it together yet, and I do think I'll need Monika to contribute...and that she should for her own sake too! I'll be talking more about Monika soon but I'll need her permission first....and her contribution. The site is up (here on Blogger) but no posts yet...coming soon.


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